Wednesday, September 5, 2007

All Grown Up

Well, our little guy is growing up. Today was his 1st day at Preschool (we sure have had alot of "1st's" lately). He was all ready to help pack his lunch and backpack this morning. When we arrived at his class, he sat down to the table and said, "bye mom" and went on playing with his toys. He's ready to be a big kid and go play.

When I picked him up he said he had a great day. He told me - "we did criss-cross applesauce for circle time and I sat on the yellow circle". He also said "I am very, very, very, very, very tired."


Ro said...

I remember coming over to watch Jackson when you went into labor! He's such a big boy now. How time flies! It seems to fly faster for other people's kids. Mine are growing up fast, but yours are growing up even faster!

Shell said...

Wow, time passes so quickly. Remember how our parents used to tell us that and we'd just shrug them off. Holy Cow! Glad that the boys are enjoying school. That's a plus! Hugs.