Monday, August 27, 2007

Our 1st ER visit

Yes, it has finally happened. We visited the ER last Friday (which I'm sure will not be the last time, but we can hope). Brady fell on a piece of a bookshelf I was in the middle of putting together. Of course I feel bad it was left out. He fell off backwards out of the chair and put a 2 inch gash into the side of the head. Needless to say it was a bit crazy. Luckily Travis' mom was there 5 minutes after it happened. So after 3 hours in the ER we came home with 3 staples in the side of his head. CRAZY!!

1 comment:

Ro said...

How scary! I'm glad he's okay. Caitlin pulled a chair on her head when she was about 9 months, and we ended up at urgent care. It wasn't nearly as bad as Brady's, but it still scared me!